The modern dating world can be intimidating. However, a simple first date can lead to a long and happy relationship.
At one time, men would be expected to make the first move, pay the bill, and be in the driver’s seat. However, this is not the case anymore. In fact, dating rules today are more relaxed, making it a more pleasant experience.
Many guys struggle with dating and flirting because talking to women is totally different from talking to a friend. Whether you’re returning to dating after a long time or new to dating, this dating advice will give you the confidence you need to feel comfortable on dates.
With that being said, here are 12 dating tips for guys that will increase your chances of meeting new women and finding love.

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12 Dating Tips For Men
1. Put Yourself Out There

Finding a partner will be virtually impossible if you don’t put yourself out there. This is why it’s important to use dating apps and approach women (respectfully) in person.
In today’s day and age, dating apps are a great way to connect with girls, go on dates, and see if you have a connection. By not using dating apps, you’re missing out on the opportunity to practice dating and become more comfortable on dates.
Approaching a lady in person can be a real challenge. However, asking for somebody’s number is totally acceptable if you’re in a social setting like a bar, club, or social group.
By putting yourself out there online and in person, you will get more dates, become more comfortable around women, and eventually find the perfect match.
2. Choose The Right Location
Choosing the right location will make or break your first date. You’ll want to choose a location where it’s easy to talk, a place where you can have fun, and something that fits your budget.
A mistake that many men make is trying to impress a girl by taking them out to an overly expensive restaurant. However, the first date will set a standard, and the girl may expect you to always take them out to nice places. Furthermore, if the first date does not go well (which can happen), you just spend all that money for nothing.
Another first-date location that you’ll want to avoid is noisy bars and clubs. The first date is a chance to get to know someone, which can be hard if you can’t hear them in a noisy bar or club.
Finally, you’ll want to avoid going on a first date to the movies! Movies are the worst place to take a girl on a first date, as you won’t be able to talk to them and get to know them.
The ideal location for a first date is a restaurant, cafe, or a fun activity like mini golf or bowling. This way you could talk, get to know each other, and see if you get along.
3. Make a Good First Impression
On a first date, it’s essential to make a good first impression. You’ll want to dress well, do your hair, and smell nice.
Furthermore, do the little things that other guys may not do. This can be opening the door for her, buying her flowers, or doing other kind acts. By doing the little things, you’ll make a good first impression and give her something to tell her friends about.
Another important part of making a good first impression is being comfortable, confident, and relaxed. This can be hard for guys who are new to dating or just getting back out there. However, you will make an amazing first impression if you seem comfortable.
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4. Ask Questions

An important part of dating is being able to ask questions. By asking questions, you’ll get to know your date, keep the date interesting, and avoid that dreadful awkward silence.
It’s a good idea to plan some questions incase you run out of things to discuss. These questions can range from asking about her job to whether she has siblings to what her interests are.
Knowing what to ask can be a challenge if you’re new to dating. However, with practice and experience, you’ll always know what questions to ask and when to keep a conversation interesting.
5. Actively Listen
When you’re on a date, listening to and engaging with the girl is important. Whether she’s answering a question or telling a story, be sure to listen and engage with what she is saying.
Furthermore, you’ll want to avoid talking over her, as this can be a major red flag. It’s human nature for people to want to talk about themselves, so although you may feel the need to talk, it’s important to let your date finish her sentences.
6. Don’t Talk Too Much About Yourself
Some guys will make a mistake when they are nervous on a first date: talk too much about themselves. This can lead to the girl not having the chance to talk and the guy coming off as self-centered.
When you’re on a date, finding the balance between asking about her and talking about yourself is essential. This way, you’ll get to know your date, and she’ll get to know you.
7. Don’t Bring Up Ex’s
A conversation topic that you’ll want to avoid bringing up on the first date is your ex. Bringing up exes is a mistake many guys will make when they just got out of a relationship.
Unless she brings up the topic, it’s best to avoid this until you get to know your date a little bit better. In reality, your date will not be interested in hearing about your ex, and this can be seen as a sign that you are still not over your ex, which is a major red flag.
8. Don’t Excessively Check Your Phone

When you’re on a first date, it’s a good idea to put your phone on silent and to tuck it away in your pocket. If you’re on your phone while your date is talking, this can be seen as disrespectful and can be why you don’t get a second date.
Furthermore, going on a date with someone who is always on their phone is super boring. Unless there is an urgent reason, you should stay off of your phone and focus on your date.
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9. Don’t Come Off Too Strong
A mistake many guys will make on a first date is coming off too strong. Whether it’s bringing up your political beliefs, complimenting them, or asking for a second date.
When it’s the first date, let things flow naturally. If the topic of politics comes up, it’s fine to share your views, but you also want to avoid getting into a political debate.
On a first date, complimenting the girl can be tricky. You’ll want to compliment her naturally and avoid being excessive, that way, you will seem authentic.
Finally, when it comes to a second date, there is no problem with bringing up the topic. However, do not bring up this idea more than once, as it can become obnoxious and make the girl feel uncomfortable.
10. Don’t Be “Head Over Heels” Early On
To many ladies, the idea of a man being head over heels for them early on can be a red flag. If the date goes really well, plan a second date, but don’t spam text, or call them because you’re super interested.
Although your intentions may be in the right place, doing this can make you seem annoying and obnoxious. It can take a few dates before a girl becomes super interested in you, so it’s important to give her some space and play it cool.
If you’re “head over heels” for a girl in the early stages of dating, you are putting the girl on a pedestal. This can make them desire you less, as they know you’ll be interested in them no matter what.
11. Don’t Double Text
A rule of thumb that I always follow is never to double-text in the early stages of dating. Double texting makes you seem desperate unless you are confirming a date.
Whether it’s before or after the date, if the girl doesn’t answer your initial text, then take it as a sign that she’s not interested. For the most part, the girl will answer if she is truly interested in you.
Nowadays, with online dating becoming so popular, you may get ghosted. Although getting ghosted does suck, it’s a good opportunity to realize what you may have done wrong on the date and how you can improve.
Many times, it’s easier for the girl to just not answer instead of explaining why you aren’t a compatible match. When this happens, do your best to move on and improve for the next date.
12. Work On Yourself

Going on dates is a great opportunity to work on yourself. When you’re on a date, you’ll want to dress well, be in good shape, and have an interesting personality.
Whether you’re new to the dating game or just getting back into it, these three aspects of dating will make you more desirable.
By dressing well, you’ll make a good first impression and look more attractive. It’s a good idea to pick up some trendy clothing and styles that fit your body type correctly.
Going to the gym and getting in shape is a great way to improve yourself each and every day. When you go to the gym, you will look better, feel better, and gain confidence (which is handy when dating).
Finally, you’ll want to have an interesting personality. This means that you have hobbies and interests and you are fun to talk to. By having hobbies and interests, you will have much in common with others, which is important in the dating world.
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Final Thoughts On Dating Tips For Guys
As a guy, dating can be overwhelming and challenging. However, going on dates, becoming a more interesting person, and becoming the best version of yourself will make dating much easier!
In this post, I shared the best dating tips for guys.
What’s your favorite dating tip? Please let me know in the comments below.