Should You Date in College? Pros & Cons – by a Recent Graduate

In college, some students get into relationships and others stay as far away from them as possible. When it comes to whether or not you should date in college, there isn’t a right or wrong answer.

As a recent college graduate I’ve seen both sides of the coin, where some students are in happy relationships and others are not. If you feel like you’re ready for a relationship in college, it’s important to know the benefits and drawbacks of being in a relationship in college.

With that being said, here are the pros and cons of being in a relationship in college and some frequently asked questions about dating in college.

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Pros to Dating in College


At times, college students can get lonely because they are far way from home. Getting in a relationship is a great way to experience companionship and feel less lonely.

College life can be very stressful, exhausting and lonely. So having someone who is there for you throughout your college years is a good idea. If the right person comes along, companionship is one of the major benefits to being in a relationship.

When looking for potential partners, it’s important to find someone who you truly enjoy spending quality time with. If they make you happy and you enjoy spending time with them, then you’ve probably found a good match.


The college years will be some of the best years of your life, filled with new experiences. For many students, part of the college experience is dating.

If you get into a serious relationship, you will learn a lot about yourself and what you value in a partner. College is a good time to experience a relationship, because that dating experience will come in handy after college once you’re in the real world.

If you feel ready for a relationship, then college is a good time to try dating. If it doesn’t work out and you realize you’re happier being single, it’s not a big deal and at least you gave it a try.


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Emotional Support

When you’re living the single life in college, it’s hard to find someone who you can rely on for emotional support. There will be times where you will miss home or be really stressed with school so having someone you can rely on is important.

One of the biggest benefits to being in a relationship, is that you always have someone who is there for you. Having a dating partner that supports you emotionally is a comforting feeling that is important in college.


Hookup culture is a big part of college, so being in a relationship gives you the chance to focus on the important things instead of hooking up with others.

When you’re in a relationship, you won’t have to spend time meeting new people and setting up potential dates. Instead, you can stay in your dorm room with your significant other, study and relax together.

If you’re the type of person that prefers staying in and relaxing with someone you’re into, instead of a one night-stand, then a relationship is for you.

Study Partner

A good reason why college dating is a good idea is because you will have a study partner. If your significant other is dedicated to doing well in school, that will rub off on you as well.

Having someone who wants to study and hang out will make the semester a lot more pleasant. It’s no secret that studying is really boring, which is why dating someone you can study with is so important.

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In college, being in a relationship can be a lot of fun. If you have similar interests to your significant other, then you will have a lot of fun together.

Whether you enjoy partying or you enjoy staying in and watching movies, having a partner that enjoys the same things as you is a huge bonus.

If you and you’re in the same social circle as your partner, this is really fun way to spend your time in college. You will be able to hang out with your friends and partner at the same time which is a great situation.

Cons to Dating in College

Less Personal Time

One of the major cons to being in a committed relationship in college is that you will have less personal time.

Being in a relationship is time consuming, so finding a partner so finding that matches your needs is super important. If you value your personal time, then it’s important to find someone who is okay with spending some time apart.

In some relationships, the other person will always want to hang out with their significant other. This can cause relationship issues as personal space is important in a relationship.

When I was in college, one of my best friends was dating a girl who always wanted to hang out with him. This was the biggest red flag because she did not like when he would hang out with his friends.

They ended up separating after a few months because they were just not a good match.

This is a good lesson on why it’s important to find someone who will respect your personal space and let you hang out with your friends.

Can Affect Grades

The reality of being in a relationship in college is that it can affect your grades. If you’re with someone who is a motivated and hard working student, then their habits will likely rub off on you.

However, if you’re with someone who skips class and does not care about their grade, then there’s a good chance that those bad habits will affect you.

Another way that relationships can affect grades in college, is when you have relationship issues. If you’re constantly fighting with your partner, then it will be hard to focus in class, study and complete assignments.

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Less Partying

If you like partying and have an active social life, the reality of being in a relationship in college is that you will party and go out a lot less. Dating life in college is fun, however it’s a different kind of fun compared to when you are single.

I would say that it’s important to experience the parties in college throughout your freshman year. This way, if you choose to get into a relationship later on in your college life, you won’t feel like you missed out on anything.

Partying is one of the best parts of the college experience and its something every student should at least try. One of the best ways to party while being in a relationship is to find a partner who enjoys going to parties with you.

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More Responsibility

Being in a real relationship in college is a big responsibility. If your significant other is having a bad day or is feeling upset, you have to be there for them.

If you’re someone who just doesn’t have the time to be there for your significant other, maybe you’re just not ready for a relationship. When you’re in a relationship you have to take care of yourself and your significant other which can be a challenge.

Relationships Cost Money

The reality of romantic relationships in college is that they cost money. Since it’s hard to work a job while going to college, it can be hard to spend money on a relationship.

As a guy, when you take the girl out on dates, in most cases you are going to have to pay. If you’re a college student on a budget, it might just not be the right time for a relationship.

Whether it’s going out for dinner, extracurricular activities or gifts, someone has to pay. Many students will stress about money in college so it might be hard to spend money in a relationship.

After College

In the United States, many students will go to schools in different states. This means that once college is done, many relationships don’t work because of the long distance.

Unfortunately, more often than not, a long-distance relationship does not work. Unless you have plans to live together after college, there’s a good chance that the relationship does not last long after college.

Another reason that relationships don’t work after college, is that people change. When you enter the real world, life is totally different from when you’re in college.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t date in college because many relationships end up working out. However, it’s important to understand the reasons why a relationship may not work once you leave college.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Dating in College Hard?

Dating in college is hard, however it is not impossible. It just requires good time management. By dating someone who you can study with and relax with, dating in college will be a good experience. However, conflicting schedules, stressful classes and a lack of time can making dating in college hard.

Is Dating in College Good?

Dating in college is good, as it’s a great way to get experience in a relationship. Some students wait till after college to date as they want to take in the full college experience. It really comes down to personal preference, so if you meet the right person, don’t hesitate to get into a relationship.

Is Dating in College Fun?

With the right partner, dating in college is fun. It’s important to find a partner that shares similar interests and is enjoyable to be around. Those who rush into a relationship in college, tend to end up with a partner who is not the right match and the relationship does not last long.

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Final Thoughts on Should You Date in College

Dating in college really comes down to preference. If you’re wondering whether or not you should get into a relationship in college, there really isn’t a right answer.

The best thing any college student can do, is understand the pros and cons of dating in college.

In this post, I shared the pros and cons to dating in college and answered some frequently asked questions about dating in college.

What are your thoughts on dating in college? Please let me know in the comments below.

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