In dating culture, men are typically the ones to make the first move and ask the girl out. However in recent times, there has been a dynamic change, where women are starting to ask men out.
Although this may not be traditional, there are many guys who like when the girl asks them out. As a guy myself, I can say that when a girl makes the first move it is seen as attractive.
Which raises the question…
Is It Worth it to Ask a Guy Out?
If you’re interested in dating a guy, don’t be afraid to ask him out. It’s better to know how the man feels about you then to not know at all. Many guys won’t ask a girl out because they’re shy, nervous or they don’t know if she’s actually interested in them. This is why asking a guy out is worth it.
In this post, I share 10 reasons why women should ask men out.

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10 Reasons Why Women Should Ask Men Out
1. Guys Like a Girl that Makes the First Move

It’s no secret that men tend to be attracted to confident girls. When a girl makes the first move, it shows the guy that she is confident.
As a guy, I find it confidence a very attractive quality in a girl. There is no better way to show a guy that you’re confident in yourself, then by asking him out on a date.
Another reason why guys like when a girl makes the first move is because it makes it easier on them. There’s no denying that asking someone out can be stressful so if the girl does it, it makes it easier on the man.
Asking a guy out is the best way to get a first date. Most guys will say yes to a girl asking them out on a first date and they will at least give it a shot.
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2. Guys Get Mixed Signals from Women
A lot of men feel they get mixed signals from women and they can’t always tell when a girl is truly interested in them. From a guy’s perspective, even if a girl gives obvious signs that she is interested, many guys still won’t realize.
There are a lot of men that really don’t understand women, and don’t pick up on the signs that a women is interested in them. This can lead to a guy not asking the girl out because of of a fear of rejection.
If you find a guy that is worth dating, don’t hesitate to ask him on a date. If you feel like you have a connection with him, he will most likely say yes to the date.
3. Guys Can Be Shy

Just like there are shy girls, there are also shy guys. There are many guys out there who are not confident, get nervous and are shy around girls.
For many guys, talking to girls is a big deal and they can put a lot of pressure on themselves. It can take a guy who is shy a very long time to build up the courage and ask a girl out.
As a girl, if you take the first step and ask the guy out, it can save a lot of time and stress. At the end of the day, if you are interested in a shy guy, don’t be afraid to make the first move!
If you and the guy get a long, there’s a good chance he says yes.
Related: How to Talk to Girls if You’re Shy
4. Worst Case the Guy Says No
If you’re scared to ask a guy out, the worst thing that can happen is that he says no. All this means is that you know that he’s not interested in you.
At the end of the day, you don’t want to waste your time on a guy who is not interested in you. It’s better to let him know how you feel so you can see how he responds.
If you’re using dating apps, don’t be afraid to send the first message. If the guy doesn’t seem interested, just move on to the next guy.
As much as rejection hurts, it really isn’t the end of the world. There will be another guy out there, who will be interested in dating you.
5. You Never Know What it Can Lead To
You never know what asking someone out can lead to. Whether it’s rejection, a long-term relationship, a one night stand or just being friends, asking someone out is a learning experience.
Sometimes, letting the person you’re into know how you feel about them won’t go well immediately. This doesn’t mean that somewhere down the road they may come around and want to date.
If you’re into a guy, shoot your shot and ask him out, you never know what it can lead to!
6. Change “The Norm”

Traditionally, men are supposed to ask the girl out on a date. However, there is nothing wrong with women changing “the norm” and asking the guy out.
Whether if it’s on an online dating site or in real life, asking a guy on a date is a great way to change “the norm”. We have seen a shift in the dating scene where at times, girls will ask guys on dates.
Asking a guy out is empowering to women and a great way to change “the norm”.
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7. Asking A Guy Out Isn’t A Big Deal
Although asking a guy out may seem stressful, it really isn’t as bad as it seems. Nowadays, asking a guy out is very normal so there’s no reason to stress over it.
In fact, online dating apps like Bumble have it set up so girls message the guy first. This has changes the dynamic in online dating and has normalized women making the first move.
8. You Will Feel Relieved
After you ask a guy out, regardless of the answer, you will feel relieved. Being interested in someone and not knowing how they feel about you can be very stressful and lead to a lot of overthinking.
Once you ask the guy out, you will feel relieved because you will know how they feel about you.
Related: Why Guys Like When a Girl Texts First – Do’s & Don’ts
9. The Experience Is Good

Asking someone out is a good learning experience. Regardless of what happens, you will learn about yourself and the way guys act.
Best case scenario, the guy say yes and you end up dating. This will show you that guys really do like when a girl asks them out and you did make a good decision.
If you ask a guy out and he says no, it will help you understand guys better. Next time, you will have a better understanding if a guy is really interested in you.
10. You Will Know How He Feels About You
If a guy is not asking you out, the only way to know how a guy really feels about you is to ask them out. Regardless of what they say, at least you will know how they truly feel about you.
It’s better to know how someone feels about you, then to regret not asking later on. Even if you get rejected, the good thing is that you can move on.
There are plenty of great guys out there that will come along at the right time.
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Final Thoughts on Why Women Should Ask Men Out
If you’re debating on whether or not you should ask a guy out, do it!
If you have a connection with the guy, don’t be afraid to make the first move. Asking a guy out can lead to a long term relationship and it really doesn’t have that many downsides.
In this post, I shared the 10 reasons why women should ask men out.
Do you think men or women should make the first move? Please let me know in the comments below.