Are you wondering what guys find attractive in a woman? You might think that guys just want to date a model or a girl who has an hourglass figure. However, this just isn’t true.
As a guy, I’ll be the first one to say that there’s much more to what makes a women attractive than her physical appearance. When looking for potential partners and long-term relationships, men want somebody they actually like spending time with.
In this post I share the things men find attractive in a woman, from her physical features to her personality traits. Remember that despite scientific findings and studies, romantic attraction is a complicated thing.
With that being said, here are 25 things that guys find attractive in a girl.

25 Things Guys Find Attractive in Women
1. Friendly Personality
One of the first things guys notice is if a girl has a friendly personality. Some women come off as unfriendly, when they don’t smile or won’t talk to people. Whether it’s intentional or unintentional, it’s a turnoff when someone is rude to others.
When girls are rude or talk badly towards staff at a restaurant or even friends or family, it’s not an attractive trait. For guys, it’s attractive when a girl is friendly, nice and fun to be around.
2. Good Sense of Humor
Men like a girl who has a sense of humor and can joke around. As a guy, there’s nothing better than being able to have inside jokes with your girlfriend and finding the same things funny.
It doesn’t hurt if you laugh at his jokes either!
3. Smell Good
This one may be overlooked, but when a girl smells nice, a guy will remember her scent. This is something that men secretly find it attractive in a women.
Having a nice fragrance is something that is pretty easy to do and that guys will find super attractive.
4. Positive Outlook
This one may be surprising, but having an optimistic outlook in life is something men find very attractive. Guys appreciate a girl who sees the glass as half full instead of half empty.
As a guy, I’ll be the first one to admit that being around a girl who’s always complaining or looking at things in a negative light, is super unattractive.
Having a girl who tries to see the light in dark situations is something men really value in a women.
5. Intelligence

As a guy, a girl can be beautiful but it doesn’t mean much if she isn’t very smart. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you need have a PHD or be a science major, but a women who can have an intelligent conversation is very attractive.
Remember, guys appreciate having a good conversation. Having your own opinions and knowing a bit about the world ensures that you’ll both always have something interesting to talk about.
6. Self-Sufficient
Nowadays, most guys want a girl who is independent and can support themselves. It’s attractive to a man to see a woman who has a work ethic and isn’t too much of a princess.
Even though guys can still pay for dates and should treat you well, showing that you’re self-sufficient and can take care of yourself is a great character trait in a girl.
7. Supportive
Something many guys look for, is a girlfriend that is supportive. In life, some guys may want to take a risk and pursue a business or a new career. As a guy, having a girl that will be supportive during these times is extremely attractive.
For guys, it can be hard to open up about how they feel, so having someone who is going to support them no matter what is really valuable.
8. Loyalty

This one may be pretty obvious, but it should still be said, loyalty is super important! Knowing that you are trustworthy is very important quality in a girl.
To me, and many other guys, loyalty is everything. This goes both ways, the last thing anybody wants is be betrayed or cheated on.
9. Romantic
Most men and women appreciate a bit of romance in their relationship. Being romantic is the one thing that separates you from being a good friend who happens to be a girl.
Being romantic can mean telling your partner that you love them, doing sweet actions for them or paying attention to the little details.
10. Maturity
Something that many guys find attractive is maturity in a girl. A girl that has her life together, is interesting and isn’t always gossiping is very appealing.
As a guy, one of my pet-peeves is when a girl is constantly gossiping and talking poorly about other people.
Something else that shows a lack of maturity, is when a girl is constantly on their phone. As a Gen Zer, I understand how additive our cell phones can be.
However, it’s important to be present, especially if you’re hanging out with a guy you like. Trust me, try and stay off your phone.
11. Doesn’t Take Herself too Seriously

Many guys like to joke, so having a girl who doesn’t take herself too seriously is really an attractive quality. This means that sometimes, you have to be able to laugh at yourself.
If you’re a girl that gets mad when a guy jokes around you, this may be seen as a huge turnoff. As long as the joke isn’t mean or hurtful, there’s no problem with laughing.
12. Caring
Having a caring and a loving personality is a really appealing trait in a women. Whether you’re looking to get married in the future or have a long-term relationship, these are traits that men look for in a women.
As a guy, one of the best parts about having a girlfriend is the fact that you feel cared for. For most guys, the only people who will love and care for them is their mother or partner.
13. Confidence
A girl who is confident in herself is one of the most attractive things to a guy. I truly believe that before a girl find love, they have to love themselves first.
Having that self confidence will radiate when you’re around guys. Men want a woman who is confident and feels good about herself.
14. Calmness

There’s nothing more unattractive to a guy then a girl who is always blowing up over little things.
Most men want a calm girl who can control her emotions. In all honesty, the last thing any guy wants to deal with is a drama queen.
15. Understanding
Being understanding is an attractive personality trait. There are times when your boyfriend may have family obligations, work commitments or even wants to spend time with his friends. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be an absolute priority, but when a man is looking for a girlfriend, he’s going to appreciate a girl who is understanding.
Being understanding will save you from many fights when you’re in a relationship. Having the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand where they are coming from is seen as attractive to men.
16. Having Your Own Life
This isn’t talked about very much, but having your own life is really important when you’re looking for a guy. Don’t be waiting around for a text from him, instead of hanging out with your friends.
For a man, knowing that you are a busy person with interests beyond him, will make you more appealing and attractive.
Obviously, it’s important to make time for your man, but it’s okay to have a social life and to want to do things that don’t always involve your boyfriend.
As a guy, I have to say that I love it when a girl is independent and has things going on in their life. It makes for a more interesting person and adds excitement into the relationship.
17. Beautiful Eyes

Beautiful eyes are something guys love to see in a girl. No matter if your eyes are blue, green, brown or hazel, men will be drawn to them and find them beautiful.
18. Authenticity
Being authentic as a person and not being fake is what most guys really want in a girl. You don’t have to dress, look or act a certain way to impress a guy. If you are yourself, there will be a guy out there who’s interested in you.
It can be really easy to get wrapped up in social media and pretend to be somebody that you’re not. Instead, just be confident in your personality and the way you really are, and the right guy will come.
19. Honesty

This one applies to both guys and girls, being an honest person is an extremely attractive trait. If you have the tendency to lie about things, this will lead to lots of fighting and no trust in a relationship.
Even when you first meet a guy, make sure you aren’t lying or even exaggerating stories about yourself.
20. A Nice Smile
A nice smile is very attractive to men. Smiling is a sign of happiness and people like being around someone who is happy.
Plus, when you smile, he’ll think of your lips, which physically is attractive to a man as well.
21. Sense of Style

When it comes to fashion, everyone likes different styles of clothing. Having your own personal sense of style is something guys find attractive.
Whether it’s wearing sporty clothes, casual clothing or business outfits, guys like a girl who takes care of her appearance and is put together. Being well dressed is attractive and something that will garner a lot of attention from guys.
Physical Features Men Find Attractive in a Women

Even though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, men are visual creatures. Everyone is different, however these are some physical features that men are attracted to in a girl.
22. Healthy Hair
When it comes to first impressions, it’s true that men are often attracted to women with beautiful, healthy hair. This doesn’t mean that you have to have a particular hair color or long hair. However, if you have an overall healthy look this will be attractive to the opposite sex.
23. Long Legs
Long legs are an attractive physical quality in a woman. Whether a girl is tall or shorter, having attractive legs is appealing.
24. Hip Ratio
According to studies, heterosexual men are attracted to women with an hourglass figure hip ratio. Apparently this has to do with natural human behavior when looking for potential mates, as this can lead to greater potential reproductive success.
25. Big Boobs
While personally I don’t think having big boobs is an important thing when it comes to attractive women, there are some men who will be attracted by this physical feature.
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Final Thoughts on What Do Guys Find Attractive in a Girl
You may have been wondering what guys find attractive in a girl. As a guy, I know that contrary to popular belief, it’s not all about physical appearance. Your personality, intelligence, warmth and how you carry yourself are all traits that men find attractive in women.
I hope this list of 21 things that guys find attractive in a girl will give you some insight on what guys are looking for in a women.
What do you think guys look for in a women? Please let me know in the comments below.