31 Things to Do When You Turn 21 – Tips From a 21 Year Old

Things to Do When You Turn 21

Turning 21 is a great reason to celebrate but also a good time to begin thinking about your future. As a 21 year old myself, I’ve had my fun but I find myself constantly worrying about my future and I’m sure many of you are in the same boat.

In this post, I’ll talk about 31 fun things you can do at 21, but also some things you’ll want to do so you can have fun in the future.

31 Things to Do When You Turn 21

Being 21 years old is a great time to experience things that you weren’t able to do when you were younger. It’s important to make the most out of this time, as you won’t be young forever. With that being said, here are 31 things to do when you’re 21:

1. Party

Red Cups

When it’s your 21st birthday, it’s a reason to celebrate and party. You’ll finally be able to buy alcohol from a store (legally)!

Getting a hotel, Airbnb or throwing a house party is a great way to celebrate your special birthday!

Inviting some friends to party will make sure you have a memorable, or not so memorable birthday. Remember to have fun, but drink responsibly.

2. Travel

Being 21 years old is a great age for traveling. You’re still young, you can take time away from life at home and explore new places and experience different cultures.

If you’re on a budget, like many of us are, consider doing a road trip with a few friends. There are always cool places that can be driven to and it won’t be too expensive.

My buddies and I will take a road trip to Toronto for the weekend every few months. It’s a great time exploring the city, trying different kinds of food and partying in a different city.

3. Go Clubbing

Going clubbing is something you have to do once you turn 21. Now, I know clubbing isn’t for everyone, but getting together with your friends and going to the club is a really fun time.

If you like partying, then you will love clubbing. It’s a great way to meet new people, show off your dance moves and drink!

4. Get a Credit Card

online shopper

If you don’t have one yet, at 21 this a great time to get a credit card. Building your credit will come in handy later on in life when you need a loan from the bank or you want to take a mortgage out on a house.

If you know you’re responsible with money, getting a credit card is a great idea. It’s good to get in the habit of being responsible with your finances and having a credit card is a great way to learn.

5. Become Independent

At 21, it’s a good time to begin becoming more independent. Learn how to do your own laundry, cook a few meals, and make your own appointments. You’re an adult now and these are all parts of growing up.

The trust is, your parents will not be around to support you forever, so slowly become more self sufficient will benefit you in the future.

Stepping out of your comfort zone will be valuable later on in life, so it’s better to practice being independent sooner rather than later.

6. Boozy Brunch

If you haven’t already, do a boozy brunch with your friends. For those who don’t know, a boozy brunch is when you drink mimosas, eat brunch and hang out with your friends.

Over the summer, my buddies and I would go out for boozy brunch and then spend the day together at the pool or doing activities like Go Karting.

A boozy brunch on a beautiful day is a really good time and something you have to try once you are legal to drink.

7. Cleanup Your Social Media

Something that many people often overlook is cleaning up their social media. Once you turn 21, it’s a great time to delete those old pictures, cringy captions and anything that could be damaging to your future.

We all wrote stupid things back in the day on Facebook or posted something cringy on Instagram. Take the time to go through and delete those old posts and pictures.

Nowadays, many employers will check your social media as a part of their hiring process. Have a professional looking profile picture so you make a good impression.

8. Go to the Casino

If you’ve never been, go to the casino! Gambling isn’t really my thing, however once in a while I’ll go to the casino with my friends and have a drink while they gamble.

Remember to gamble responsibly and never step in a casino if you’re looking to make money. Odds are you’re going to lose!

9. Workout

Guy working out

If you don’t already workout, at 21 this is a good time to start. As you get older, it’s only going to get harder to get in shape. Getting in the habit of going to the gym and working out will have you looking and feeling great.

Working out will improve your confidence, give you more energy and have you looking your best. Recently, I started working out and I fell in love with the gym.

10. Document Your Life with Photos

Take pictures of good meals you eat, vacations and the fun times you have with your friends. Now that we all have great cameras on our phones, there’s no excuse for not taking pictures.

You’ll have all of your fun memories from your 20’s right in your pocket at all times. A few years down the road you’ll be happy you took pictures of all the fun times you had when you were young.

11. Eat Healthy

As you get older, your metabolism will slow down. Being careful with what food you put into your body and eating better will make you feel a lot better.

Eating healthy has a lot of positive benefits for your health. Cutting out unhealthy foods and soft drinks will greatly improve your skin.

12. Go Shopping

Fall Look

At 21, it’s a good time to get some nicer and professional clothing. Nicer clothes will come in handy for those occasions where you are required to dress up.

If you’re on a budget, going to Zara and H&M will have everything you need to add some classy clothes to your wardrobe.

For presentations, internships or job interviews you are going to want to have some professional attire.

13. Begin to Save Money

If you haven’t started saving money yet, it’s a good time to start. As you get older, you will have more and more expenses. Whether it’s a car payment, rent or phone bill these things add up.

Do your best to put some of your paycheck aside so you can begin saving money.

14. Stay in Touch With Friends

As you get older and your life becomes more busy, it’s important to stay in touch with your friends. Every few months I’ll reach out to friends just to check up on them.

Whether it’s childhood friends, friends from college or old work colleagues, it’s easier than ever to keep in touch. As you get older it becomes harder to make new friends. It’s important to stay in touch with those who were there for you when you were younger.

15. Invest in the Stock Market

If you have the money, it’s a good idea to invest in the stock market. There are a lot of relatively safe investments that will give you a better return than your bank does.

These days, there is so much content online for learning how to invest and you can do it directly from your phone. The earlier you start investing the better.

16. Learn How to Cook

If you rely on someone else to cook, it’s a good time to begin to learn. Cooking will be a valuable skill to know as you get older plus you get to eat great food.

On Youtube there are great tutorials that will teach you how to cook and make delicious dishes.

17. Go to a Strip Club

I’ll be honest, I’m not a fan of strip clubs, but I do think everyone has to experience it once. Strip clubs do make for some good stories and can be a fun time.

Whether you’re a guy or a girl you should try going to a strip club at least once when you turn 21.

18. Start a Side Hustle

Student Flipping Items

If you ever wanted to earn some extra income while being your own boss then start doing a side hustle. In fact you can even turn your hobby into a side hustle.

21 is a great age to start a small side business, as you are old enough to understand how to make money and have enough time to focus on your side hustle.

Having a side hustle can turn into a very legit business. Remember all of your favourite Youtubers, Tiktokers or influencers started somewhere.

19. Create Goals

Once you turn 21, it’s time to set some goals and find ways to achieve them. Whether it’s financial, mental health or fitness goals, it’s important to having something to work towards.

If you set goals and you take them seriously you will be able to achieve some really amazing things.

20. Make New Friends

Like I mentioned earlier, as you get older it becomes harder to make new friends. It’s important when friends, work colleagues or old friend ask to hang out that you make an effort to go.

If you don’t put in the effort eventually your friends will stop putting in the effort as well.

If you’re looking for ways to make friends, play sports, go out to bars and put yourself out there. There are so many great ways to meet new people and socialize.

21. Find New Hobbies

Teen gaming

Once you turn 21, it’s a good time to try new hobbies and experience new things. If you’re interested in playing a sport then join a leauge.

If you want to get into gaming try it! It’s important to try new hobbies and find ways to have fun.

If you’re looking for hobbies check out this article: Hobbies for College Students

22. Create Good Habits

Turning 21 is a great time to create good habits for yourself. As you get older it will become hard to build those good habits to the best time to start is now.

Here’s a list of some good habits:

  • Proper sleep
  • Eating healthy
  • Working out
  • Saving money
  • Being reliable
  • Working hard

23. Go to a Concert

Going to a concert as a 21-year-old is a little different because you can drink. If you’re looking for a way to celebrate your birthday, see your favorite artist live!

Everyone knows that going to a concert is so much fun and a great way to create lifelong memories.

24. Get a New Job

Student on computer, new job

If you’ve worked the same job for a few years and feel there isn’t much room to move up, try getting a new job. A mistake that many young adults make is keeping the same job because it’s comfortable.

However, turning 21 is a great age to start exploring different jobs and to try something different. Ideally, it is best to find a job that offers good experience and can lead to future opportunities.

25. Attend a Sporting Event

If you’re into sports, then try going to a sporting event!

Going to a sporting event at 21 is a different experience because you can drink. A big part of the culture at sports games is that people drink, get loud, and cheer for their team!

Experiencing a sports game as an adult is a fun time and something that everyone should experience at least once in their life!

26. Network

Turning 21 is a great time to make an effort to network with new people, whether it’s at social gatherings, networking events, or by joining clubs.

Although you’re only 21, building a network is a valuable asset for professional and personal growth. If you network at a young age, you never know what doors will open and what opportunities they can lead to.

27. Get Rid Of Your Junk

If your room needs a big cleaning, now is the time. Whether in a dorm room, you live alone, or at your parent’s house, turning 21 is a good time to get rid of stuff you don’t use anymore.

Go through your old clothing and belongings to get rid of anything you don’t need anymore.

28. Experiment With New Styles

Men's suits, stylish men

Turning 21 is a great age to experiment with new styles and to get new additions to your wardrobe. Developing your personal style is a great way to express yourself and connect with other people.

Whether it’s going to the mall, online shopping, or checking out the thrift shop, do a bit of shopping when you turn 21. It’s always a nice feeling to put on new clothing and try different styles.

29. Learn a New Language

If you want to learn a new language, now is the time to do it!

As a young adult, you will only get busier, so finding the time to learn a new language will only get harder. Nowadays, there are so many useful tools for learning a new language.

If you’re looking to pick up a new language, consider trying Duolingo or Babbel.

30. Join a Club or Community

Joining a new club or community is a great way to meet people who share hobbies and interests with you. Whether it’s a sports team, gaming community, or a book club, joining a group is a great way to meet like-minded individuals.

Around two years ago, I decided to leave my comfort zone and join a hockey league. I didn’t know anyone in the league, so I figured it would be an excellent opportunity to meet new people while playing a sport I enjoy.

Now, I play twice a week, and I have become friendly with many people in the league.

I understand that joining a club or community may be intimidating. However, it’s a great way to meet new people who share the same interests as you.

31. Document Your Journey

Whether it’s for yourself or to share with others, consider documenting your journey!

You can do this by writing in a journal, on a blog, or creating videos on YouTube and TikTok. Documenting your journey and experiences is a great way to see how far you have come.

If you start documenting your journey now, you will enjoy reflecting on it years later.

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Final Thoughts on 31 Things to Do When You Turn 21

Turning 21 will give you a lot of freedom but also a lot of responsibility. As you get older your life will become busier, so 21 is a really great age to experience things like traveling, partying and spending time with your friends.

What do you have planned for your 21st birthday? Please let me know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “31 Things to Do When You Turn 21 – Tips From a 21 Year Old

  1. In my own 20’s, someone once gave me this simple piece of advice, and it has always served me well: “You will never regret the things you tried in life as much as the things you didn’t.”

    So much great humor and wisdom here, Ethan – really. You truly are as legit as Gen Z gets.

  2. If I were turning 21 today…….

    Boozy brunch for me…hands down lol 🍊🥂

    It’s funny you listed that, because the university seniors that live in off-campus homes here host an annual Boozy *neighborhood* Brunch on the Saturday before graduation each spring. Each house serves a different homemade cocktail (including those fabulous mimosas!) along with a different and sometimes really unique breakfast food, and there’s cool music blasting and such. The seniors go from house to house and have a lot of fun with it – and they never seem to mind if some of us cooler neighbors who never gave them any grief over their noisy parties during the school year visit a home or two to say our farewells and partake in some great food and drink! 😁😎 🎉

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