In high school, having a good relationship with your teacher can make a big difference in your grades and overall well-being. If your teacher likes you, it’s going to be easier and you’ll enjoy school more.
You may be having trouble getting along with a teacher and it can make going to class tough. As someone who graduated high school just a few years ago, I can relate.
In high school, I was never the best student so I had to find unconventional ways to make my teachers like me. While top students may get away with being a “teachers pet”, this doesn’t work for most.
In this post, I share 12 ways to get your teacher to like you in high school, what to do if a teacher hates you and ways that you can impress your high school teacher as well!

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How to Get Your Teacher to Like You in High School
1. Do Your Homework and Assignments
In high school, doing your homework and assignments will not only get the teacher to like you, but you will also do better in class. Getting in the habit of completing assignments on time will come in handy when you are in college, as there will be a much greater workload.
Teachers in high school like when their students complete their homework on time. It shows the teacher that you are a responsible student and you care about their class.
Once in a while, if you’re really stuck and need an extension, most teachers will be nice and give one. If you start asking for extensions regularly, it may bother the teacher and it can become a reason that they don’t like you.
2. Be Respectful

Treating your teacher with respect will be much appreciated, and is a great way to get your teacher to like you. This means arriving on time, not talking while the teacher is teaching and not leaving class for unnecessary reasons.
If you arrive late, you will be interrupting the class. This can throw off the whole dynamic of the class. Be respectful and show up on time.
One thing that every teacher hates, is students talking while they are teaching. When I was in high school, I was guilty of doing this… a lot. Do your best to listen when the teacher is teaching and to talk with your friends outside of class.
Whether it’s to go to the bathroom, getting water or running to get something from your locker, try not to not leave during class time.
Obviously, sometimes you have to go get water or run to the bathroom, but this can disrupt the class so try to avoid making this a daily occurence.
3. Participate in Class

Participating in class will show your teacher that you are interested in what they are teaching. In both high school and college, I would always try to ask or answer a question at some point during the class to engage with the teacher.
High School teachers really like when students participate and this is a great way for your teacher to notice you in class and like you.
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4. Don’t Go on Your Phone
One thing that teachers absolutely hate, is when their students are texting or scrolling on their phones during class. When you’re in class, do your best not to go on your phone.
If you’re going to use your phone during class, do it discreetly. Try to make sure that it can’t be seen by your teacher because they will not appreciate it.
It’s a terrible idea to get into the habit of going on your phone during class. Not only will it be much harder to learn, but it will bother the teacher if you are caught.
5. Arrive to Class Early
Arriving to class early will show your teacher that you take their class seriously. It’s a lot easier to arrive early than to arrive late.
If you arrive late it can be disruptive and seen as disrespectful. It’s better to show up early and have a few minutes to relax before class.
If you are late to class, enter the classroom quietly so you don’t disrupt the teacher or other students. Afterward, you can apologize to the teacher for being late. This will show your teacher you are respectful and did not mean to be late.
6. Show Up to Class With Your Materials

Showing up to class with your pencil case, notebooks and textbooks will be appreciated by your teacher. If you’re a student that’s always showing up without your materials it show your teacher that you don’t care about their class.
It’s a good idea to be well organized so you can come to class with all of your materials.
If you’re not sure what to bring to school check out this article: 15 Backpack Essentials for High School – Ultimate Guide
7. Ask Questions After Class
If you didn’t get the chance to ask your question during class, ask it after class. This is a good chance to ask your teacher about upcoming assignments and tests.
Asking questions after class is an excellent way to get to know your teacher better and show them you are willing to put in effort. Taking the time to ask questions is a very good way to get your teacher to like you, and it will pay off in the long run.
8. Get to Know Your Teacher
My trick to getting teachers to like me was by getting to know them. Something that many students don’t realize is that teachers are people too.
If you get to know your teacher by asking questions and getting to know their interests, it will create a personal connection.
In my experience, the teachers that have liked me the most were with teachers that I had a connection with. These tended to be the classes that I did the best in as well.
Whether it’s through a common interest like sports or music there are ways to get to know your teacher.
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9. Pay Attention in Class

Paying attention in class is a good way to do well in class, for class to pass by faster and seem interested in the topic. Let’s be honest, teachers like students that are paying attention better than students who seem not to be paying attention.
If you have trouble paying attention in class, try taking notes. This is a great way focus instead of getting distracted in class.
10. Thank Your Teacher
Once class is done, always thank your teacher! It’s very easy to do and it’s a polite way to tell your teacher that they are doing a good job and you are enjoying your class.
Thanking the teacher is something I started to do in high school and continued to do once I reached college. It’s a great way to show appreciation and teachers really like it.
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11. Participate in Extracurricular Activities
Joining a club or participating in an activity your teacher is involved with is a great way to get on their good side. This way, the teacher will get to know you in a more personal way.
Furthermore, participating in extracurricular activities is a great way to make friends and learn new skills. If you have extra time, consider joining a club or a sports team.
12. Be Yourself
Trying hard to get your teacher to like you may work. However, you want to avoid coming off as a teacher’s pet.
Ideally, you want the teacher to like you when you are yourself. For the most part, teachers like when a student is respectful, kind, and engages in class. If you can do those things, then most teachers will like you.
It’s also important to start the year off on the right foot. If you upset your teacher early on in the year, it may be hard to get back ontheire good side.
What to Do if a Teacher Hates You in High School
In high school, getting on your teachers bad side could be a real problem. Whether your teacher hates you for something you did or something you feel like didn’t do, you have to find a solution.
If you sense that your teacher doesn’t like you, try talking to them after class. Explain to your teacher how you are feeling and ask if there’s a way to fix the situation.
Accept responsibility and don’t blame the teacher. This way, your teacher will be more likely to be willing to work out the issue and give you another chance.
If this does not work, and you still feel as if your teacher doesn’t like you, try talking to the administration at school. It’s important to have a good relationship with your teacher, it will make things easier for you as a student to learn.
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How Can I Impress My High School Teacher?

If you are trying to impress your teacher in high school, you are going to have to put in the effort. Going above and beyond when completing homework, assignments and projects will impress your teacher in high school.
If you are looking for other ways to impress your teacher, be a responsible student, offer to help around class and be polite. If you are a pleasure to teach, you will do great in class.
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Final Thoughts on How to Get Your Teacher to Like You in High School
Getting your teacher to like you in high school can make all the difference. Finding ways to connect with your teacher and build a relationship can be the difference between loving school or hating school.
Do you have a favorite teacher at school? If so, why? Please let know in the comments below.
“Something that many students don’t realize is that teachers are people too.”
LOL – so true, but why is that?! I still remember one time back in middle school when one of my classmates in social studies said they had seen our teacher in the grocery store over the weekend…we were all like 😱…wait, you mean Mrs. So and So actually drives a car, goes shopping, and eats food?! No wayy 😂😂