Are you wondering why high school is the worst? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. As a recent college graduate, I have a unique perspective on why high school isn’t that great.
If you’ve watched any coming of age movie, they always portray high school as the best years of your life. However, for many high school students, high school is stressful, frustrating and boring.
With that being said, here are 18 reasons why high school is the worst and a few tips to make it better.

18 Reasons Why High School is The Worst
1. Big Change from Middle School
Oftentimes, middle schoolers have trouble adapting to the new environment in high school. Going to a new school is a big change, as the students, teachers and classes are all different.
At first, new high school students may have trouble adapting, however overtime it does get better.
Related: 10 Ways to Prepare for High School – By a Recent Graduate
2. Fake Friends
In high school, you will meet plenty of new people and make new friends. Naturally, some of those people will be fake, bad influences and generally won’t be good friends.
Dealing with fake friends is one part of high school that I certainly don’t miss! It’s something every student will face during their time in high school and many life lessons come from these kinds of situations.
Tip: Surrounding yourself with motivated friends who have similar goals as you is the key to having good friends in high school.
3. Bigger Classes

Although it may be different for private schools, public school classes are a lot bigger than middle school classes. In public schools, the class size is larger, which can it easier to get distracted and harder to learn.
The first time I stepped into a high school classroom, I was surprised to see how many other students were in my class. As someone who gets distracted very easily, this was a part of high school that I did not like.
Unfortunately as you go into college, the class size gets even bigger so having big classes is just something every student will have to deal with.
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4. Harder School Work
Something that catches many middle school students off guard, is the harder school work in high school. The school work is more difficult and more demanding, which can cause a lot of stress.
Once you’re in high school, you will have to spend a good amount of time outside of class studying. If you want good grades, you will have to study, do all your school work and homework.
As someone recently from graduated college, I look back on my time in high school and I feel as if the school work was unnecessarily hard at times.
5. Less Fun in Class
Prepare for a more serious classroom environment than elementary or middle school. While in high school there are some teachers who like to have fun in class, there are other teachers who take class way too seriously.
I remembering being in 9th grade math class and being scared every time I would go to class because the teacher had old school teaching methods. He was super serious and anytime a student would break a rule, he would give out detentions.
Being a student in that class was the worst! The school year moved by so slowly because of that math class.
6. More Studying

During your high school years, you will have to study in order to do well. There are a lot of classes that require memorizing information, so you’ll have to put in the work outside of class.
When I was a teenager, the last thing I wanted to do was study. During those times, I wanted to hang out with friends and play video games because studying sucks.
Tip: Study with friends if you find studying boring, at least you can all suffer together!
7. Drama
This list wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t include drama. As a guy, I never really had to deal with drama. However, girls in high school tend to deal with endless drama.
Drama is one of the reasons that many students hate high school. Other students being mean, spreading rumors and fighting over boys and girlfriends, are all reasons why high school sucks.
If you’re in high school, do your best to avoid drama and dramatic people. Your life will be a lot less stressful if you surround yourself with people who aren’t dramatic.
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8. More Homework

One of the worst parts about high school is how much homework gets assigned. After a long day of school work, the last thing any student wants to do is homework.
Now that I’m done school, homework is something I certainly do not miss.
9. Pressure to Succeed
Whether it’s self inflicted or pressure from parents, there’s no denying that this causes stress in high school. One part of high school that is the worst, is stressing about grades.
Whether it’s wanting to achieve the best results possible or just trying to pass a class, the pressure to succeed can be hard to deal with.
A good way to address this issue is by talking to a guidance counselor. They’re there to help you and point you in the right direction when it comes to your academics.
An important thing to remember is to do your best. If you know you did your best and you got a mediocre grade, don’t be upset at yourself. In high school, doing your best and applying yourself will get you decent grades and you will at the very least be passing.
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10. A Long School Year
The school year in high school is really long and it feels even longer. As a high school student, you will constantly be looking forward to holidays, winter break and spring break.
If you happen to live in a colder climate, the occasional snow day will give you a day off, which is a bonus. The long school year is one part of high school that really sucks. However, once you’re in college the semester are shorter and it gets a lot better.
11. Bad Teachers

In high school, you will get some bad teachers. It can be new teachers, old teachers or even substitute teachers that are just mean and make it terrible to go to class.
If you’re lucky, you will get some good teachers that make learning fun and class enjoyable. However, when you get a bad teacher you will be dreading going to their class and it makes high school really suck.
Related: Top 10 Ways to Get Your Teacher to Like You in High School
12. Boring Classes
In high school, you will take boring and unnecessary classes that you will never apply in real life. As a high school student, there were a few classes that were so boring that I had a hard time staying up.
When it comes to boring classes, just make the most out of it because either way you will have to attend class.
13. Starting Early in the Morning
Throughout the years of your life that you spend in high school, you will have to start school early in the morning. Hopefully, your high school is nearby your home, because a long commute to school means early mornings and long days.
Something that really sucks about high school is that at times, you will have to stay up late to do a project or study. Then you’ll have to wake up early the next morning!
This will cause a lack of sleep which will make it harder to focus and difficult to stay awake during class.
14. Dress Code

In high school, some schools have a dress code. When I was in high school, I had a dress code and it was taken super seriously.
Having a dress code was the worst because I constantly had to make sure my uniform was clean and the clothes was not very comfortable.
If you go to a school that doesn’t have a dress code, consider yourself lucky!
15. Forgetting Homework
The worst possible feeling in high school, is showing up to class and forgetting about a homework assignment. As a high school student, you can get a detention or lose marks for not doing your homework.
Tip: Always write down important due dates, test dates and exam dates so you’re never caught off-guard.
16. Surprise Tests
In high school something causes a ton of extra stress is surprise tests. I still remember that feeling of going into class and the teacher telling us that we have a pop quiz.
Getting tested on information without being given the chance to study is the worst and something I really don’t miss about high school.
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17. School Water

The single worst thing about high school may be the school fountains. A lot of the time, schools were built a long time ago, so the pipes aren’t always the greatest.
Getting stomach aches or finding that the water has a weird taste is normal when you’re drinking from the school water fountain.
Tip: Bring a water bottle from home to avoid drinking from those gross school water fountains!
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18. Bathrooms
High school bathrooms made me hate going to public bathrooms. Not only are they dirty, but students will sometimes use the bathrooms to vape, hang out or make a big mess.
Although it’s not the biggest deal in the world, high school bathrooms are definitely one of the reasons why high school sucks.
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Final Thoughts on Why High School is The Worst
Although there are many reasons that high school is the worst, there are plenty of reasons why it’s a really good time.
Once you get used to high school and make some good friends, it becomes more enjoyable. If you’re just starting high school, it will pass by faster than you think. Good luck!
In this post, I shared 18 reasons why high school is the worst.
Why do you think high school is the worst? Please let me know in the comments below.