If you’re a Millennial, Generation X or a Baby Boomer, you might be wondering why Gen Z are so sensitive. It’s no secret that Gen Zers are a generation that embodies idealism and activism as they stand up for their beliefs.
Recently, Generation Z has been at the forefront of some criticism, as previous generations say they are having trouble connecting, relating and understanding this new generation. As a Gen Zer myself, I have a unique perspective as to why Gen Z is seen as such a sensitive generation.
In this post, I go into detail on the 7 reasons why Gen Z is so sensitive.

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7 Reasons Why Gen Z is so Sensitive
1. Strong Belief System
When talking to a Gen Zer, you may realize that they feel very passionately about certain topics. Generation Z is a generation with a strong belief system and they will not stay silent when there is something that they disagree with.
Members of Gen Z were brought up to be conscientious about the environment, open to people from different backgrounds and activism has been seen as a virtue.
Whether it’s calling something out on social media apps or hitting the streets and protesting, one thing is for sure, Gen Z will make themselves heard.
To other generations, Gen Z may look like a bunch of “crying babies”. However, the reality is that Gen Z has a strong belief system and they are not afraid to speak up.
2. Education

The current education system plays a big role as to why Gen Zers are so “sensitive”. For better or for worse, being sensitive is no longer looked at as a bad thing among younger generations.
Since I was in high school, I was always taught to be empathetic of others. The current education system encourages students to feel comfortable in their own skin and for students to be accepting of everyone.
As someone who just recently graduated college, I can say that the college classroom would often be referred to as a “safe space”. While this is a positive thing, this can discourage students from having real discussions as the faculty does not want any student to feel uncomfortable or offended.
This has made Generation Z seem more sensitive, as they are not used to being challenged on their ideas and beliefs. This was different for older generations, which is why many people don’t understand why Gen Zers seem to get offended over “everything”.
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3. Social Media

Generation Z are often referred to as “digital natives”, since they are the first generation to have grown up in the age of social media and smart phones. Since I was 12, I’ve had an iPhone. So I’ve spent a good part of my life talking to others via social media.
Social media has played a major role on the way young people interact with one another.
At one time, social media was like the wild west, where everyone could voice their thoughts and opinions without consequence. Now, social media has become a place with a lot more rules and people have to be more careful when they are online.
This obviously has it’s pros and cons and is a very controversial topic. As savvy users of social media, Gen Z is aware of the impact they can have on society.
Gen Z is the generation that is used to being listened too. This means that they will not shy away from expressing themselves publicly on social media.
Gen Z knows that if they get the attention of big brands and create enough noise, their voices will be heard and change will happen. Gen Zers have found a way to use social media and “cancel culture” to destroy brands, athletes, celebrities and influencers.
4. Outspokenness
Generation Z is a generation that is well aware of and not afraid to exercise their rights. Whether it’s for climate change, mental health issues or gender equality, Gen Z will stand up for what they believe in.
The fact that Gen Z is so outspoken can oftentimes be confused for being overly sensitive. Many Gen Zers feel very passionate about certain topics and they can get offended when past generations don’t see eye to eye on specific issues.
Social media and mobile devices have connected people from all walks of life, so it is very common Gen Z to stand up for other people’s feelings. Gen Z will be vocal and outspoken on social media apps like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook and they will not shy away from confrontation.
5. Echo Chambers

Due to the way that social media algorithms work, many Gen Zers will be a part of echo chambers. One of the cons of social media is that it exacerbates echo chambers, which can lead to polarization and extremism.
No matter what side of the spectrum you are on, it’s very easy to be part of an echo chamber without realizing. Once the newer generations step into the real world, they get a reality check since they are no longer in their echo chamber.
Once Gen Zers come face to face with someone that has a different point of view, they can be confrontational, rude or even overly sensitive.
Since Gen Z spends so much time on social media and on their digital devices, it is very likely that they are part an echo chamber.
The idea of thinking differently than us, can be hard for us to understand because social media algorithms are constantly feeding us what we want to see.
6. Spheres of Influence

This generation is more influenced by public figures and influencers, big or small, than previous generations. When it comes to younger people today, they look up to YouTubers, TikToker’s and other social media influencers.
This is obviously both a good thing and a bad thing, since influencers do have a big role on shaping young people’s minds.
Previous generations would look up to musicians, athletes and movie stars. Now, young adults look up to YouTubers and other social media stars, where they feel as if they have a much more personal connection.
For many young people, seeing their favorite influencer be vocal about an issue will make them be vocal about the issue as well. Gen Zers will not shy away from calling out a brand, celebrity or a politician if there favorite influencer tells them to do so.
This is why many people call Gen Z “the most sensitive generation”, since they are not afraid to express themselves, even when the issue doesn’t pertain to them.
7. Idealistic

Whether if it’s being taught online or on college campuses, Generation Z is very idealistic. They feel strongly that things should be fair, people should be accepting and opportunities should be equal for all.
While past generations of people may have held these beliefs as well, this Gen Z generation is very loud about their ideas. Generation Z will not back down from expressing what they believe is right and they will be very vocal about it.
However, this may change in the coming years as many Gen Zers are either in their teenage years, college, recent graduates or just joining the workforce.
It’s no secret that in the long run, time and life experience will change the way you feel on certain topics. What a Gen Zer feels passionate about today may change as they navigate their way through the real world.
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Final Thoughts on Why Gen Z are so Sensitive
Whether you agree with Gen Z being sensitive or not, there is no denying that Gen Zers do have a bright future. Compared to previous generations of young people, Gen Z is not afraid to stand up against authority, and to speak up for themselves and what they believe in.
For a generation that is commonly referred to as “generation snowflake”, Gen Zers have shown by expressing the way they feel, they will get what they want.
Do you think that Gen Z is too sensitive? Please let me know in the comments below.