Are you starting college and wondering about the dress code? As a recent graduate, I know a lot about this and have seen what other students wear and what’s expected.
When I first started college, I had so many questions and one of them was…
What Is The Dress Code For College?
Most colleges do not have a dress code. Students are permitted to wear whatever clothes they want as long as it is not offensive or harmful. Anything from jeans and sweatpants, to suits, is acceptable. Students are encouraged to be comfortable while learning so they are free to wear the clothing they want.
While there’s no strict dress code at most colleges and universities, there are some do’s and don’ts about what to wear.
In this post, I’ll answer some of the common questions students have about what to wear in college and university.

College Dress Codes – What Clothing Is Appropriate
There’s a wide range of clothing that is considered appropriate for college as most dress codes are loose. While some universities and colleges will have stricter guidelines, in most cases there’s more of an expectation of what is appropriate in a college setting.
Let’s go through some of the common questions and answers that you may have if you’re starting university or college.
What Not To Wear To College
Pyjamas should not be worn at school and are better for when you are in your dorm room or at home. If you wear pyjamas to school you will be extremely underdressed. I would recommend never wearing pyjamas to school and saving them for when you are ready for bed.
Dirty Clothes

Avoid wearing dirty clothes to school. It may be hard to have fresh and new clothes for every day of the week, but do your best to avoid wearing visibly dirty clothes.
If your clothes smell, do not wear it to class. It will bother other students and not make a good impression. Try to find some clean clothing instead as it will make you look a lot better.
Offensive or Harmful Clothing
If your clothing can be considered harmful or offensive, it’s better not to wear it to school. In our current culture, people can be sensitive. If your shirt can offend someone, avoid wearing it to college or university and save it for a different occasion.
Avoid wearing slippers to school. Slippers are great for lounging, but for school you’re better off wearing actaul shoes. If for whatever reason you are absolutely stuck and have no shoes, other students may not say anything if you come in slippers, but it just isn’t a great look.
Avoid Being Overdressed

It can be a fashion mistake to dress in clothing that is too formal. Unless your program requires it, save your suit, dress shirts and ties for weddings and job interviews. Instead dress comfortably and casually.
If you just hit the gym and want to show off your body, lectures isn’t the place to do it. Going to class shirtless will absolutely get you kicked out, so it’s better to just wear a shirt!
College Dress Code Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Wear Crop Tops To College?
Wearing crop tops at most college or universities is perfectly fine. When I was in college it was popular for girls to wear crop tops. Wearing a crop top with a zip-up sweater is a good idea in case if it gets cold or if you want to be less revealing.
Are Tank Tops Allowed In College?
Tank tops are allowed and pretty common to see around college. When it’s warmer, some students will come to class in a tank top as it makes it’s more comfortable for them.
Wearing a tank top will make you look somewhat underdressed so if you want to look a little better avoid wearing tank tops.
Can You Wear Dress Ripped Jeans To College?

Ripped jeans are in style and you can wear them to college. However, I would avoid wearing them on days where you are expected to dress a little nicer. Avoiding wearing ripped jeans for college visits, your first day of school or class presentations.
While distressed jeans are in style, since you want to look appropriate make sure the jeans are not overly ripped or messy.
Are Leggings Appropriate In College?
Leggings are one of the most common pants worn by women in college. At my college, 50% of girls would wear leggings to school. If you are required to dress up or if you want to look a little nicer consider wearing jeans.
Can I Wear Graphic T-Shirts In College?
Yes, graphic t-shirts are fine for college, as long as the t-shirt isn’t inappropriate or offensive. Graphic tee’s are super popular and many students will be wearing them. Graphic tee’s are a great way to express your interests.
Can I wear Flip Flops To College?
When I was in college many students would wear socks and slides, including myself. Although it may not be the most stylish, it is so comfortable. Wearing flip flops is okay for big lectures where the teacher won’t really notice you, if you are in a smaller class wearing shoes will make a better impression.
Can You Wear Shorts To College?

Yes, during the hotter times of the year many students will wear shorts. If you are required to look nicer for a presentation or an event consider wearing either dress shorts or pants to look a bit more professional.
For women, wearing biker shorts was really popular when I was in college. These shorts are longer than normal short shorts and a bit more appropriate for school.
Avoid Wearing Swimwear
Wearing a swim suit, sandals and a tank top to class in college is inappropriate. If you are planning on going to the pool or even the beach after your lecture, pack your swimsuit in your bag.
Going to class in swimwear is a bad look and the professor may even remove you from their class.
Times When You Should Dress Up For College

Class Presentations
For class presentations dressing up business casual is appropriate. Avoid going in flip flops, running shoes and shorts. Wearing a nice shirt with jeans or chino pants will make you look a lot better.
School Events
For school events, it’s better to dress a little nicer. Remember, your look says a lot about you. If you show up to events dressed nicely, looking your best outfit other students and teachers will notice. If you choose to attend events in sweatpants and a hoodie other people will notice but for the wrong reasons.
Student Internships
For a student internship it is so important to look presentable and to dress nice. The way you look directly reflects who you are. If you want to make a lasting impression at your internship do your best to dress nicely and look your best.
Specialized Classes
Some classes will require you to dress a certain way. If you are in a science program where you are working in labs you may be requires to wear a lab coat and closed toe shoes. You will be notified early on in the semester on what you will be required to wear if there is a dress code.
Final Thoughts on Dress Codes in College
In this post we went over the dress code in college and university, along with what is expected from students. I’ve gone over what not to wear in college and clothing items to avoid, and shared tips about when to dress up.
Please let me know if you have any other questions about college dress codes and what students should and shouldn’t wear in the comments below.