Are you wondering how to talk to guys in high school? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered. As a young guy who was in high school a few years ago, I have a unique perspective on the best ways you can talk to guys in high school, without it being awkward.
In high school, knowing how to approach a guy can be an intimidating and an anxiety inducing experience. Luckily, I know the best ways to approach guys in high school.
With that being said, here are 10 ways to talk with guys in high school and how to flirt with a guy in high school.

10 Ways to Talk to Guys in High School
There’s a big difference between talking to guys in high school when compared to middle school. In high school, you’re one step closer to being in the real world, and students have matured.
If you’re a shy girl, don’t worry. Talking to guys isn’t as intimidating as it may seem. In reality, many high school guys and girls are in a similar situation, where they don’t know how to break the ice.
By following these simple steps, talking to guys will be an easy process and you will become more comfortable over time. High school is a great place to start talking to guys and develop your people skills before college.
1. Talk in Class
If you’re trying to talk to a guy in high school, begin by speaking to him in class. It’s easy to start a conversation in class because you already have something in common.
To avoid awkward silence, ask questions about class material or ask a simple ice breaker question like “How are you liking the class?” or “What’s your favorite subject?“.
You don’t have to be flirtatious right away. It’s important to build a friendship first.
The important thing about talking to guys in class, is that you don’t come across too strong. Be natural, be friendly and be yourself. The more comfortable you become around guys, the more guy friends you will make.
2. Be Friendly

It’s a common misconception that the only thing guys want is a “hot girl”, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! For guys in high school, just talking to a girl and having friends that are girls is special.
If you come across as a mean person, generally, guys won’t want to talk to you. If you’re a friendly girl who’s kind to others, guys will notice that and be nice back.
It’s important to be friendly to other guys and girls as well. If you have the reputation of being a nice person, you will have no trouble making friends which makes it easier to talk to guys.
3. Use Social Media
Social media is a great way to meet new guys in high school.
However, you do need to be cautious and responsible. One thing to be careful about, is that it’s very easy for people to pretend to be someone they are not online.
If you just can’t build up the courage to talk to a guy at school, don’t be afraid to message them on social media. Social media is one of the best ways of talking to to a guy.
Now, I can’t guarantee that the guy will answer you, but most guys like it when a girl makes the first move.
If you’re already friendly with a guy at school, the first thing you can do is ask for their number, Instagram, or Snapchat account. This is a great way to talk to the guy outside of school and build a relationship.
Nowadays even for college students, a lot of flirting takes place over social media. It’s a great way to chat with a guy outside of school.
4. Make a Study Group

Making a study group is a great way to talk to guys while getting you school work done. The first thing you are going to want to do is gather some friends from class and meet up outside of school.
Once you have your study group, be friendly, have fun and study!
Having a study session is a great opportunity to get to know your classmates outside of class. If there’s a guy that you’re interested in, try to get his attention by making eye contact, helping him with his homework or by talking to him.
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5. Sit With Guys at Lunch
It’s no secret that every guy wants to sit with high school girls during lunch. Sitting with a group of friends at lunch allows for you to meet new people.
If you tend to be shy, going with your best friend and finding some guys to sit with is an easy way to make some guy friends. It’s a lot easier to meet guys when you are with at least one other girl. Meeting guys alone is a lot more intimidating and proven to be harder.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to Make the First Move
Making the first move is one of those things guys in high school love. Just like there are shy girls, there are shy guys as well.
Finding the courage and approaching a guy is one of the best things you can do. It shows the guy that you are friendly, confident and somebody that is easy to talk to.
To make it less awkward, use conversation starters. Ask about school and then ask about his hobbies and interests. Sports, video games and clothes are all things guys are into in high school.
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7. Participate in Extra Curricular Activities

Participating in extra curricular activities like the volley ball team, track team, school play or a club is a great way to meet and talk to guys. When you participate in school activities, it gives you the chance to compete against other schools.
Who knows? You may meet a high school guy from a different school and find out that you really like him. Not only is participating in extra curricular activities good for talking to guys but it’s a good way to be apart of something at school.
8. Be Yourself
Whether you’re a boy-crazy girl, shy girl or you just want to talk to guy, don’t forget to be yourself. It’s very easy in high school to act like someone you’re not, and that will be very apparent to people.
If you’re real and authentic, guys in high school will gravitate towards you and you will make a lot of friends. Don’t get caught up trying to find the right person in high school, because a lot will change once you get to college.
Being yourself is a great way for people to like you for you. Instead of trying super hard to get guys to talk to you, try subtle ways.
If you’re the type of girl who is friendly, guys will engage in conversations with you. This can lead to something more, or just an awesome friendship.
9. Dating Apps

If you’re 18 years old and in your last year of high school, don’t be afraid to try out a dating app. Many girls will say that dating apps are an easy way to meet and get attention from hot guys.
Once you get to college, you will see that almost every student who isn’t in a relationship, is on dating apps. Once you meet a guy, add them on social media and check out their profile to make sure they are real.
If you feel as if you have a genuine connection with a guy, first meet them somewhere public like a coffee shop or mall. It’s better to meet them somewhere public because you never know with dating apps.
Once you feel comfortable you can go out on dates to local bars, restaurants or the movies.
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10. Be Confident
I can’t stress the importance enough of being confident in high school. I know that talking to guy can be hard. However, if you’re confident and treat guys like regular people, you will see that they are harmless.
Even if you are awkward at first, the more you practice the better you will get. Trust me, when I was in high school I was awkward too!
Overtime, I built up my confidence and now I have no trouble talking to anyone, regardless of their gender or age.

How do You Flirt With a Guy in High School?
For many, flirting with a guy in high school is an intimidating process but it’s not as hard as it seems. Begin by being making eye contract and getting their attention in subtle ways. Be friendly when approaching a guy and start a conversation about their hobbies, dream job and favorite movie.
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Final Thoughts on How to Talk to Guys in High School
See, talking to guys in high school is not as bad as it seems! Talking to guys may be intimidating, but in reality, guys love hanging out with girls.
Remember, don’t be afraid to make the first move, be friendly and be confident!
Are you scared to talk to guys in high school? Please let me known in the comments below.