10 Essentials You’ll Need for Your First Day of College

Essential’s For Your First Day Of College

Embarking on your college journey may seem scary, but it’s also a time of immense personal growth and exciting new experiences. By preparing yourself for classes and the overall college experience, you can embrace this transition from high school to college with optimism and anticipation.

Having the proper essentials will make your first day of college an enjoyable experience instead of stressful. The following list covers the essentials for your first day of college.

With that being said, here are 10 college essentials students need for their first day of class. I’ve included some popular and useful recommendations.

College class, college students in classroom

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10 College Essentials For The First Day of Class

1. Backpack


A backpack is a college essential that you’re going to need for your first day of class. When you’re shopping for a backpack, be sure to look for one that is comfortable, stylish, and a good size.

If you plan on brining a laptop or tablet to class, you’re going to want a backpack that has a separate laptop compartment. Furthermore, you’ll want to make sure the backpack straps are comfortable as you may be wearing your backpack for long periods of time.

A big mistake college students make when buying a backpack is choosing the cheapest one. However, investing in a good quality backpack is certainly worth it as it will last you throughout college.

Here are three backpacks I recommend for college students:

2. Laptop


In college, you’ll need a laptop or a tablet. Personally, I prefer a laptop as it is more user-friendly and easier to work on assignments.

Furthermore, when you’re done with college, and you join the workforce, you will likely use a laptop or computer daily.

Throughout college, I used a MacBook Pro. Sure, it was an expensive laptop upfront. However, it worked well, and I was able to sell it once I graduated.

Depending on your budget, I’d recommend purchasing a MacBook or a Chromebook. These laptops are great choices for college students. 

3. Pens and Notebook

Pens and notebooks are essentials that you will need for your first day of class. Although many college students use laptops, there will be times when you will need a pen and a notebook for an assignment or to write something down.

If you’re a student who prefers handwritten notes, then you’ll appreciate having a pen and notebook. Although some students may use laptops, many students still prefer the traditional way of taking notes by hand.

Pens and notebooks are among the essentials that should always be in your backpack.

4. Agenda


An agenda is a college essential. On the first day of class, your professor will often give you exams and other important dates.

It’s not just a good idea, it’s crucial to write down important dates immediately so you don’t forget them. This immediate action is key to staying on top of your academic responsibilities.

In college, your agenda will be your best friend. Agendas are essential for staying organized and not falling behind in your classes. They can also help reduce stress by providing a clear overview of your tasks and deadlines, and improve your time management by allowing you to plan your study time effectively.

It’s a good idea to get in the habit of using your agenda daily. This way, you can plan your weeks and stay up to date with your assignments.

Recommended: Agenda

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5. Water Bottle and Snacks

Packing a water bottle and snacks on your first day of class is a good idea. You’ll naturally get hungry and thirsty throughout the day, so you’ll want these essentials.

Furthermore, buying snacks and drinks on campus can get quite expensive! You will save tons of money by bringing your refillable water bottle and snacks.

It’s a good idea to get in the habit of packing your water bottle and snacks every day for school. This way, you will always remember these important items that will get you through the day.

Recommended: Reusable Water Bottle

6. Folders

While many teachers may provide the course plan digitally, some traditional educators still prefer paper documents. It’s essential to have folders to keep these important papers secure during your college years.

Organizing a separate folder for each class enables you to maintain your documents in a safe and organized manner.

Recommended: Folders

7. Headphones


Whether you’re listening to music, podcasts, or shows during your break, while studying, or while walking around campus, you’ll want to have a pair of headphones in college. Headphones are a great way to listen to music, podcasts, or shows without disturbing others.

In college, most students consider headphones or earphones a daily necessity. Developing the habit of bringing your headphones to class each day ensures you’ll always have them when you need them the most!

8. Charger

During college, school days can stretch from 6 to 8 hours. It’s essential to bring along your laptop and phone charger to ensure your devices stay powered throughout the day.

Running out of battery during college can be a major inconvenience, especially if you need your devices to complete your school work. To prevent this, consider investing in spare laptop and phone chargers and always have them in your backpack.

Recommended: Apple iPhone Charger

9. Comfortable Clothing

Student on computer

When starting college, it’s a good idea to dress smartly on the first day to create a positive impression among your peers and professors.

However, it’s equally important to prioritize comfort in your attire and footwear. Take the time to select an outfit that will keep you at ease throughout the day.

Don’t forget to bring a sweater, as some classrooms might be chilly. Staying warm is essential for maintaining focus during classes.

Related: 10 College Guy Outfits that Students are Actually Wearing

10. Student ID

On the first day of college, you’ll want to bring your school ID. It’s not just a piece of plastic, it’s your ticket to a new chapter in your life. 

Remember, you’ll always want to carry your school ID with you in your purse, backpack, or wallet. Think of your student ID as a key to exclusive venues on campus. 

For instance, when I was in college, only students with their ID were granted access to the library and fitness center. It’s a privilege that comes with being a student on campus.

It’s not just a good idea, it’s crucial to have your ID with you at all times. You’ll be relieved when you find yourself in a situation where you need it and you have it.

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Final Thoughts on College Essentials for First Day

There’s no denying that college is a big change for many students. However, after the first day of class, you’ll feel more comfortable and be done for your freshman year before you know it.

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