In college, having a good relationship with your teacher can really come in handy. As a recent college graduate, getting along with different teachers helped me a lot, both in and outside of class.
There are many ways to make your teacher like you – without sucking up to them. I was never the best student, but I had an uncharacteristic approach which made my teachers like me.
The classes where I had a good relationship with the professor, were always more enjoyable. More importantly, when it came to getting assignment extensions, extra help or even having my grades adjusted, my teachers were sympathetic.
In this post, I share the best ways to make your teacher like you in college. While it’s no guarantee that your professors will do you any favors, these tips definitely help!

13 Ways to Make Your Teacher Like You in College
Be Respectful
While it might seem obvious, being a respectful student is very important to teachers. Having good manners, being polite and not disrupting the class are all reasons for a teacher to have a good opinion of you.
If you seem disrespectful to your professor early in the semester, you will be on their bad side and it will be very hard to turn this around.
Greeting your teacher on your way in (before class) and saying goodbye on your way out are good ways for teachers to notice you. This will also show them that you respect them and you are a respectful student.

One of the easiest ways for your teacher to like you is to participate in class. When the professor asks a discussion question, give your opinion or add to the conversation.
Engaging in the class will make your professor like you and you’ll be a pleasure for them to teach. When a teacher asks a question and nobody responds, this can be very frustrating for them.
By participating, you will be noticed and well liked by the teacher.
Don’t Text in Class
One thing that teachers despise is a student who is texting or on their phone in class. As a student, if you’re going to use your phone in class, you have to be creative.
Whether it’s sitting out of sight, behind a laptop or on your lap, you can go on your phone – just make sure the teacher doesn’t see it.
If you do happen to get caught on your phone, put it away and focus on the class. If you take out your phone again, the teacher will get frustrated and could kick you out of class.
Talk to Your Teachers
The biggest way that I got my teachers to like me was by talking to them! As students, we often forget that our teachers are people too.
The professors in college, have their own hobbies, interests families etc. As somebody who studied business, I would often ask my teachers about their old jobs, businesses they’ve owned or about investing.
This allowed for me to connect with my teachers on a different level. I got to know them very well and I still chat with them from time to time.
Ask Questions After Class

If you still have a question, feel free to ask it after class. Sometimes, you don’t get the opportunity to ask a question during class and there is no problem asking it afterwards.
Professors will always be willing to help out and answer your questions after a class. This will give them the chance to get to know you a bit and it shows that you care about doing well in the class.
Arrive Early
Arriving early is a good way to get your teacher to like you. Oftentimes, teachers find it a distraction when a student arrives late as it can disrupt other students in the lecture.
Arriving early is the best way to avoid this from happening. It happens, we all have those days where we show up late but making a habit out of it can make a teacher not like you.
Attend Office Hours
If you want to do well in a class and impress your teacher, attend office hours. Teachers like when students attend office hours to ask questions because it shows that they care about the class.
Attending office hours is a great tool for getting one on one time with your professor. Think about it like free tutoring!
Bring Your Materials to Class

Showing up without your materials for class, is a great way to get on your teacher’s bad side. Bring a backpack with your essentials like notebooks, textbooks and a pencil case.
Having your materials shows the teacher that you are ready to work and you care about the class.
Related: 13 Backpack Essentials for College – Graduate Weighs in
Don’t Interrupt the Class
Whether it’s talking with a friend, your phone ringing or leaving class early, it’s best not to interrupt class. If you’re talking with a friend and the teacher asks you to be quiet, be respectful and stop talking.
We’ve all had that time where our phones ring in class, but do your best to leave your phone on silent and if it does ring, apologize.
If you have to leave class early, do it discreetly and do your best to leave at a good time. On the most part, teachers won’t care if you leave early. Just be respectful and don’t interrupt the class.
Pay Attention
Trust me, paying attention in class might be boring, but at least make it look like you’re paying attention. Whether it’s asking a question, taking notes or just looking at the teacher, make it look like you care.
If you pay attention in class, it will save you a lot of time later when you have to do assignments and study for exams.
Complete Assignments on Time
If you need an extension once or twice, most teachers will give it to you. At a certain point, when you are always late to hand in assignments your teacher will stop giving you chances.
It’s important to be organized and responsible so you can complete your work on time.
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Try to Solve Your Problem Before Asking a Question
This tip was actually given to me in my last semester of college from one of my teachers. If you are going to email your teacher and ask a question, try to answer the question first.
Many questions can be answered on Google or by other students. If you still can’t find the answer to your question, explain the steps you took to solve the problem and tell your teacher that you still can’t solve it.
Dress Appropriately

When showing up to class, it’s important that you’re dressed appropriately. If you come to class wearing nice clothes, looking clean and well groomed you will be perceived as a student who cares.
If you show up to class wearing sleepwear, or looking messy it will give off the vibe that you don’t care about the class.
If you’re looking for college outfits check out this article: 10 College Guy Outfits that Students are Actually Wearing
Final Thoughts on the Best Ways to Make Your Teacher Like You in College
Getting a teacher to like you in college may seem hard, but it’s easier than you think! If you’re respectful, participate and put in a little bit of effort, there is no reason for your teacher to not like you. The best thing is that you’ll most likely end up with better grades as well!
Have you tried any other tips to get your professor to like you in college? Please let me know in the comments below.