How to Stay Warm On Campus – 10 Practical Tips For College Students

How to Stay Warm On Campus (1)

Are you a college student wondering how to stay warm on campus? I get it! As a college graduate who studied in Canada, I have first-hand experience on how to stay warm on campus during the coldest months of the year.

Whether you’re a freshman, or a senior, staying warm on campus is something all college students struggle with. The cold weather can be unpredictable, which is why it’s so important to dress warm and be prepared for the harsh weather conditions.

With that being said, here are tips to help you stay warm on college campus this semester. I also answer the frequently asked questions that college students are asking about the winter months on campus.

College student winter

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10 Tips to Stay Warm on Campus for College Students

1. Dress in Layers

College student layered winter outfit

The best way to stay warm during the winter in college is to dress multiple layers of clothing. The benefit of dressing in layers is that you can remove each piece of clothing as you warm up.

Begin with thermal base layers, as they will protect you from the cold winds and it prevents your body heat from dissipating. Then add a layer of pants, a shirt, and a warm wool or cashmere sweater. For your final layer, top off your outfit with a warm winter jacket, a pair of wool socks and winter boots.

Throughout my time in college, I would wear layers of clothes and I would never get cold. In fact, there were times where I would get too hot and I would have to remove layers.

2. Invest in Proper Winter Clothing

Investing in proper winter accessories and clothing is essential to staying warm in colder temperatures. Investing in a good pair of winter boots is a great way to stay warm and toasty during the year’s colder months.

Furthermore, a good pair of gloves and a warm hat will go a long way when dealing with cold winds and snowy conditions.

Whether you have to walk outside to get from one class to another, or if you clean the snow off of your car, having the proper winter clothing is a great way to handle cold temperatures.

Related: 15 Best Winter Boots For College Students

3. Drink a Warm Beverage

College student warm drink

Sipping a hot beverage is a great way to warm up during the winter. Whether it’s a coffee, tea, or a hot water bottle, a warm drink will increase your body temperature when cold outside.

If you’re a college student who gets cold in class, bring a hot drink. A warm drink will help you stay warm in a chilly classroom.

4. Participate in Indoor Activities

Whether you’re a college student enjoying physical activity or staying busy, consider doing indoor activities during the winter. Staying active and busy during the winter is super important, but the cold air can make it challenging.

On campus, plenty of indoor activities should keep you busy and active throughout the winter months. Whether it’s a movie night, study session, or indoor sports, staying inside during the winter will prevent you from getting cold!

Related: 35 Fun Activities for College Students

5. Eat a Warm Meal

Eating a warm meal is a great way to warm up on a cold day. Throughout college, I would always eat soup during the winter as it’s easy to bring to college, simple to make, and a meal guaranteed to warm you up.

When dealing with lower temperatures, transport your food in a thermos. This way, your meal will stay nice and warm.

6. Warm Up Your Car Beforehand

Snowy car

Don’t overlook planning ahead when you have class on a frigid day. You’ll want to take time to warm up your car (at least 10 minutes).

If you live in a cold climate, then there is a good chance that your car has a car starter. If your car does not have a starter, consider installing one. It’s a game changer, making it easier to get into your car on extremely cold winter days.

A bonus tip is to arrive early so you can park closer to your college. This way, the walk from your car to class will be much shorter.

7. Use Space Heaters

space heater

If your dorm room is not warm enough during the winter, consider purchasing space heaters. Space heaters can be plugged in the wall and they provide instant heat.

As a college student, I would always place a space heater one the floor while I would study because I hate having cold feet!

Space heaters can be purchased at your local department store, or you can find one on Amazon.

Related: 20 Cool Dorm Decorations for Guys in College


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8. Heated Gloves, and Hand Warmers

Nowadays, rechargeable hand warmers and heated gloves are a great option for staying warm in extreme cold. These can be purchased on Amazon or at hardware stores, and they are super useful if you live in a cold environment.

I’ve had the same pair of heated gloves since I was in college, and they always come in handy on those cold winter days!

9. Use Thermal Curtains

If your dorm room has drafty windows, then consider purchasing thermal curtains. Thermal curtains will prevent heat loss, help insulate your room, and block cold drafts.

You can find thermal curtains on Amazon, which are very easy to install.

10. Warm Bedding

As a college student, staying warm throughout the night is just as important as staying warm during the day. Having the proper bedding is a great way to stay warm in your dorm room during the winter.

If you find that you are still getting cold throughout the evenings, you can always wear warm clothing to bed. Wearing sweatpants, long-sleeve tops, and extra socks will make a huge difference.

If you want guaranteed warmth, turn on your space heater before bed, which will blast warm air into your dorm room. This way, you are guaranteed to stay warm, even on the coldest days of the winter.

Winter outfits for college students

How Can I Stay Warm While Studying?

The classic technique for staying warm while studying is always carrying warm drinks with you. Whether it’s coffee, tea, or a hot water bottle, having a warm beverage will warm you up quickly. A warm drink is portable, cheap, and effective, making it the perfect solution for students.

How Do You Get Around Campus in The Winter?

Most college campuses have several transportation students, which can be helpful in the winter. Shuttle systems and campus rideshare can save you from walking 15 to 20 minutes in the cold. Walking outdoors is always an option. However, students should dress warm!

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Final Thoughts on How to Stay Warm on College Campus

Whether it’s your first time experiencing the winter or you’ve experienced it, there are practical tips and new ways to stay warm during the year’s coldest months. As someone who hates being cold, I know how important it is to stay warm on campus.

By dressing in layers, having a warm dorm room, and having the proper winter clothing, you should be ready to take on cold temperatures this semester.

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